Rahu in all Houses of Navamsa Chart in Vedic Astrology
Rahu is referred as the head of the Naga or Dragon’s tail. Rahu is a shadow planet with duality nature, meaning a native with exalted Rahu can be a smart thief or a shrewd detective. This planet moves in retrograde movement and are said to be ones that cause solar and lunar eclipses. Rahu is considered exalted in houses 3rd and 6th. 4th house is also considered auspicious for Rahu. Rahu gets debilitated or weak in 8, 9 and 11 houses. Planets Saturn, Mercury and Ketu are friendly towards Rahu and Sun, Mars & Venus are inimical to Rahu. Benefic planets Jupiter and moon are neutral to Rahu. This chaya graha works in mysterious ways that affects human life in various dimensions. The presence and impact of Rahu in the Navamsa chart greatly aids in understanding a native’s marital life and their spouse’s nature.
Rahu in 1st House in Navamsa Chart

This is a moderate placement for Rahu. The native has many illusions about things they do in life. The native is often seen stuck in their own world of hallucinations or imaginations. These natives receive unexpected gains from lottery or poker. The native marries quite early in life. They fall for their first love very deeply and marries them. Though the marital relationship starts off well, it begins to have problems because the native has way too high expectations that are impossible to fulfil. They do not have a permanent identity, their ideologies are too fluid and dynamic. This identity crisis interrupts with their marital life. Money-wise, the spouse will be from a rich family. Despite being married into a rich family, the native might feel a sense of vacuum inside. They may even sometimes get bored of marital association.
When Jupiter or other benefic planet is aspecting Rahu, the native breaks their pattern and begins their divine journey. When Ketu is benefic in the seventh house, the native will be a Kundalini Yogi. Their enlightenment could be a guiding light to the society.
Rahu in 2nd House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu in the second house gives wealth and happiness. If Rahu is benefic in this house, their family will be influential. These natives might be close with their elder sibling. The native might marry someone from a political family. The native might move away from family after their marriage. This movement could be due to career based relocation. The native makes great wealth with Rahu in this house after their marital chords. They may buy assets overseas. The native and their spouse hold lot of joint accounts/assets. The native’s eye sight might recede after marriage or there are chances of minor injury to their eyes. The native will remain highly committed to their partner.
Due to their spouse’s family connections, politics becomes predominant in native’s life. Despite the strength of the Rahu in this house, the native might lose wealth to theft/robbery in the ages of 10, 21, 33, or 42. if Rahu is malefic in this house, the native might not enjoy any wealthy comforts and their marriage could be delayed.
Rahu in 3rd House in Navamsa Chart

3rd house belongs to planet Mercury and Rahu is exalted in this house. The native will be victorious in their business mainly related to digital world. They never have debts or other financial challenges. They would bequeath huge property. They see glorious business pinnacles as early as 22nd years of age. The native makes a loyal and fun friend. The native may have artistic skills like miming or mimicry. When Rahu is benefic, in addition to wealth, the native will also enjoy a long life with most their dreams fulfilled. If Jupiter or Saturn is benefic in this house, Rahu can make the native a powerful healer with clairvoyant abilities. They may have a unique ability to see their future spouse in their dreams. They meet their partner through social media. They fall for their looks and social media following.
If Rahu becomes weak in this house, the native tend to live their best life for their social media presence. Their dreams about marriage and love are just about the hashtags. If Rahu is poorly associated with enemy planets in this house, the native may be timid and spread gossips about people that intimidate them. They may have less luck with love and often are rejected in their proposals.
Rahu in 4th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu will be comfortable in this house and blesses most material comforts on the native even if they least desire it. To be more specific, when they least desire it, they receive the most from it. They love to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other special days with pomp. When the native is female, they feel that they are swamped with luxuries, wealth, happiness, and more. When the native is male, they are often bored of comforts and wealth. After 40, the native suddenly becomes interested in occult or tantrics. They may become popular spiritual mentors or contemporary Gurus with most media attention.
If the sign is a fixed sign- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, the native feel stuck at home and fulfills their desire to explore by buying exotic foreign items. They are fond of things that are alien- outside of their home/homeland. If Rahu’s house is a moveable sign, the native relocates right after their marriage; might be even due to marrying a foreigner. Either ways, they love foreign things like imported articles.
Rahu in 5th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu performs average in this house since fifth house belongs to the Sun. The native will be an oxymoron in many dimensions, for instance a philosopher with material interests. Rahu may put mischievous ideas in native’s mind. Rahu in the 5th house gives intelligence and shortcuts to handle challenges in marriage. The natives have a knack with managing ego issues or incompatibility issues in their love life. The native attracts a spouse who is unpredictable in their moods and emotions. Their spouse will be intelligent, romantic, and very vocal about their feelings. They will be working in a high paying corporate job.
If Rahu is weak in this house, the native’s spouse may postpone childbirth for career or health issues. If Rahu is malefic it can result in multiple miscarriages. They will have a male offspring after a long time, but the mother’s health could suffer for ten to twelve years. If Jupiter is also malefic in the Navamsa chart or weak in this house, the father might also go through health challenges.
Rahu in 6th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu in the sixth house is a strong placement. Rahu is happier in this house and poses good benefits on the native. These natives will be an introvert in their childhood, but after their teenage, they tend to socialize well. They will be the fun element in every party they attend. These natives will be closely associated with animal world, either they will be avid hunters or be a active worker in a NGO that saves animals like PETA.The natives may have many flings but once they meet their soulmate, they drop all other acts. These natives will marry a sensual, good looking, handsome/charming person. The native will have love marriage and would have pursued their love with their love interest for a long time for a ‘Yes!’. these natives enjoy worldly comforts and all physical pleasures with their spouse. They will have more than one male offspring.
If Rahu is weak or present with Venus, the native may face issues mid age. After the age of 40, they may have illicit affairs with coworkers. It can bring some defamation issues. In some cases, it can result in loss of wealth as well. Or the loss of wealth could be due to burglary or robbery.
Rahu in 7th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu in this house gives mixed results. The native may have many love interests. The native will be in a job that is influential with the government officials. The spouse will be of dark complexion and have very attractive smile. However, when Jupiter or Venus is strong along with Rahu in the Navamsa chart, the native will be fair skinned and tall. Since Rahu is an alien element, the native will marry someone from a different culture or a different state may be a foreigner when there is a yoga in the Navamsa chart. They will be good in mathematics or Vedic Astrology.
The native should not marry before the age of twenty one years. It might become inauspicious and worrying. If malefic Mercury is associated with Rahu in this house or malefic Venus or Ketu is in the 11th house, the native will face traumatic issues through sister or their spouse or their progeny. When Rahu is weak in the 7th house, the native’s spouse will be confused, in a hazy state, and have abstract ideas. If Rahu is malefic, the couple will have many ego issues also face problems with progeny. There may be infertility issues or diseases in their reproductive organs. In case of female native, they may hit menopause very early in their life.
Rahu in 8th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu in this house makes the natives discreet and sneaky. The natives prefer keeping a low profile about their whereabouts. These natives are highly secretive about their wealth status and love life. The native will accumulate more wealth than their whole family making them one of the powerful people among relatives. Rahu brings luck through spouse and the native will be making money from unknown or hidden sources. Even the spouse will make gains through their career or family inheritance. The native might hesitate to buy joint assets with their spouse since the native does not like to share control of their wealth. There are chances of fights or tiffs related to money and other assets.
Rahu may give have deeply seated phobias in the native’s subconscious. The native may suffer from long term chronic diseases not lethal but they might have to live with for their lifetime. The native’s spouse may face weight or obesity related health issues. There are chances of unexpected injuries as well.
Rahu in 9th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu in the ninth house natives will be secular and social in their life decisions. Their religious views or ideas of spirituality could be different. They may not follow their family traditions or their spouse’s. They may be atheists or find God in nature or choose to follow a different faith of religion. These natives might not be keen on wealth through family or traditions. When Rahu is malefic in this house, the native might end up filing litigation or court cases against their siblings or blood relatives. This placement of Rahu might give unusual or uncustomary marriage. These natives might be in live in relationships or have a court marriage or marry in foreign lands according to their laws.
Jupiter’s placement is also important since 9th house is ruled by Jupiter. When Jupiter is located in 5th or 11th house of the Navamsa chart with Rahu in 9th house, then it does not bring any good benefits. When Jupiter is in other houses, it can bring auspicious results with progeny. The native may have more than one male offspring.
Rahu in 10th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu in the 10th house makes the natives independent and unconventional in their thoughts. It is almost hard to convince the native to accept or do something that they don’t believe in. They love to break taboos and prefer to live as an outcast in the society. They attract more wealth and fame through their partner. These natives break barriers in their career or business after their marriage. Their spouse’s love and support makes them hugely successful in their profession. In the later part of the life, the native will seek spiritual growth leading to least responsibility towards family, the spouse pitches in to take care of family needs.
If Rahu is weak in this house, the native’s businesses overseas will be sold or the native might be betrayed by their business partners abroad. The native might suffer from low confidence or inferirity complex that even affects their love life. They may constantly switch business ideas or locations when Rahu is in moveable signs. They will be travelling every other day or week for their business purposes.
Rahu in 11th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu in the 11th house is a good placement. There are no many repercussions from Rahu in this house. The native will be born in a rich family and enjoys happy childhood with many siblings. All aspects of life are fulfilled by Rahu in this placement. Even if there are challenges, the impact remains minimal. The native enjoys huge circle of friends and community. They marry someone they dearly love. The native’s spouse will be a attractive personality and often be in public’s eyes for their looks or style. Their love of the life will bring luck and fortune into the native’s life. They enjoy wealthy comforts and explore the world together. They will have children quite late in their life.
The native’s spouse will be kind heardted and generous. They may run a trust or an NGO. The native might be betrayed financially or emotionally by someone from their friend’s circle. This is often the only hiccup associated with Rahu in this house. Especially, when Rahu is in Mahadasha and when antardasha moves, the native might face losses through this betrayal.
Rahu in 12th House in Navamsa Chart

Rahu in 12th house natives are power hungry people. They crave for name and fame. Even though they are generous and kind in nature, they may do charity for popularity. the native may have a deceiving nature. The native could face lots of expenses due to their mother or sisters. The native attracts a well built, remarkable, and talented individual as their partner. They make the person fall in love with them using their deceitful attributes. If Mars is benefic in the Navamsa chart with Rahu in 12th house, the native may receive good benefits.
The native might be addicted to hallucinations, drugs or other substances. They cannot live in reality, they try to live in their made -up reality created from the addictive substances. This placement of Rahu can lead to separation from their lover/ partner due to these habits. Their spouse may have insomnia or extreme case of killing themselves.
Frequently Asked Questions
3rd, 4th, and 6th houses are good placements in a Navamsa chart.
Rahu in the 7th house natives will marry someone from a different culture or have inter-caste marriage. If there is a yoga in the Navamsa chart, this placement of Rahu blesses a foreign Spouse.
Yes. Mostly, Rahu in the 7th house indicates love marriage and they will be from a different culture.
Planet in the seventh house can reveal more about native’s marital life, looks and appearance of their spouse. Rahu in 7th house native’s spouse will have attractive smile, of dark complexion, and fond of music, arts, comforts and luxuries.