Eight Powerful Manifestations of Lord Bhairava

The term Bhairava translates to "Bha(i)-Creation, Ra-Sustenance, and Va-Dissolution." MahaBhairava is the divine force responsible for creation, sustenance, and dissolution. With 64 forms, Bhairava is categorized into 8 primary forms based on attributes, known as Ashta Bhairava. Each of these forms represents different aspects of the universe, including the five elements and the three major Nadis (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna). Bhairava is often depicted in a fierce, naked form with sharp canine teeth, four arms, and various symbols of power, such as a drum, a noose, a trident, and a skull. His adornments include serpents and human bones, and his vehicle is a dog. His consort is Bhairavi Devi. The primary purpose of Bhairava is to annihilate sins and evil forces, protecting devotees from negative influences like enemies, greed, lust, and anger. Similar forms of Bhairava are found in various cultures, including Esoteric Buddhism and Chinese traditions. In yogic philosophy, Bhairava represents the supreme ruler of the universe and the ultimate manifestation of pure consciousness.

The Eight Forms of Bhairava

  1. Asitanga Bhairava

    • Attributes: Enhances creativity and influences the Solar Plexus chakra (Anahata). He is depicted with a pearl complexion, four arms, and holds a rosary, kamandala, sword, and skull cup.

    • Direction: East
    • Consort: Brahmi
  2. Ruru Bhairava

    • Attributes: Embodies Guru-like qualities and enhances leadership skills. He has a blue complexion and is shown with four arms, holding a deer, axe, sword, and bowl.

    • Direction: Southeast
    • Consort: Maheswari
  3. Chanda Bhairava

    • Attributes: Bestows immense energy and influences the Nabhi chakra. Depicted with a crystal complexion, he holds a bow, arrow, sword, and bowl.

    • Direction: South
    • Consort: Kaumari
  4. Krodhana Bhairava

    • Attributes: Provides strength and courage for achieving significant goals. He influences the throat chakra (Vishuddhi) and is depicted with a deep blue complexion and four arms, holding a conch, discus, mace, and bowl.

    • Direction: Southwest
    • Consort: Vaishnavi
  5. Unmatha Bhairava

    • Attributes: Helps eliminate negative behaviors and lower emotions. Influences the Swadhistana chakra and is depicted with a gold complexion, holding a sword, skull cup, pestle, and shield.

    • Direction: West
    • Consort: Varahi
  6. Kapala Bhairava

    • Attributes: Imparts intellect, intelligence, and wisdom. Influences the Ajna chakra and is depicted with a shiny yellow complexion, holding a thunderbolt, noose, sword, and bowl.

    • Direction: Northwest
    • Consort: Indrani
  7. Bishana Bhairava

    • Attributes: Fights evil spirits and negative forces, promoting sustenance of life. He influences the Mooladhara chakra and is depicted with a blood-red complexion, holding a sword, skull cup, trident, and pestle.

    • Direction: North
    • Consort: Chamunda
  8. Samhara Bhairava

    • Attributes: Slays past life curses and karmic patterns. Influences the Sahasrar chakra and is depicted as a fierce orange form with ten arms, holding a trident, drum, conch, mace, discus, sword, bowl, skull-topped staff, noose, and goad.

    • Direction: Northeast
    • Consort: Chandi or Chamundi

Benefits of Worshipping Bhairava

  • Overall Well-Being: Bhairava creates a healthy environment for the development of body, mind, and soul.
  • Protection Against Evil: KalaBhairava aids in fighting black magic and evil spells.
  • Safe Travels: Ruru Bhairava ensures safe long-distance journeys.
  • Material Comforts: Helps gain business success and material wealth.
  • Courage and Character: Enhances courage and builds good character, particularly on Kalashtami days.
  • Protection for Children: Safeguards infants and children from negative influences.

Worshipping Lord Bhairava and understanding his various manifestations can bring profound spiritual benefits and protection, guiding devotees through life's challenges and helping them achieve their goals.