The Importance of Cleaning and Decluttering in Vedic Astrology and Modern Science

From childhood, we've often been told to "Make your bed after waking up," "Clean your room," "Keep the hairbrush clean," and "Empty the dishwasher." These tasks, emphasized by our elders and their elders before them, are deeply rooted in the belief that a clean, organized space fosters mental clarity. According to Vedic Astrology, this practice of maintaining cleanliness helps cleanse both the physical environment and the mind. Festivals dedicated to decluttering symbolize the removal of unused energy and waste in living spaces.

Modern science supports these ancient practices. Research shows that regular cleaning sterilizes the environment from harmful microbes like bacteria and instills a sense of responsibility.

Cleaning, Decluttering, and Organizing: Acts of Spirituality

Cleaning is not just a mundane task but a sacred act in itself. In some spiritual traditions, cleaning is seen as a form of creating space, symbolizing the emptiness or "nothingness" represented by Lord Shiva, the cosmic destroyer. Shiva is often described as the embodiment of the vacuum state, which Vedic seers strive to achieve through meditation and mindfulness.

Decluttering and cleansing offer a way to connect with this state. When we clean—whether it’s rearranging furniture, vacuuming, or dusting a bookshelf—we slow down, become mindful, and remain present in the moment.

Cleaning to Mitigate Saturn's Negative Effects

In Vedic Astrology, a weak or poorly placed Saturn represents disorder and untidiness. Dirt, dust, and cobwebs are signs of Saturn’s influence. Since Saturn is often compared to a servant in a royal household, a lack of order and cleanliness symbolizes poor Saturn energy. Keeping things clean and orderly is believed to mitigate Saturn's negative effects, making it an essential remedy in astrology. In many cultures, including Hinduism, shoes are left outside to prevent bringing Saturn’s negative energy—symbolized by dirt—into the home.

Cleanliness in Yoga Philosophy

The father of Yoga, Saint Patanjali, described five Niyamas (observances) to guide one toward spiritual oneness. Among them is Saucha, which refers to cleanliness and purity on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Saucha emphasizes maintaining a clean body, living space, and mind. Practicing this form of purity through regular meditation, Hatha yoga, and charitable acts strengthens the spiritual journey. It includes being mindful of our thoughts, emotions, and speech.

Cleanliness as Psychological Detox

In modern life, the accumulation of material possessions often turns cleaning into a tedious chore. However, cleaning can be a form of psychological detox. A clean, organized space positively affects our mental well-being, while clutter drains our energy and influences our thoughts. Psychology suggests that rearranging or decluttering when feeling down can improve mood and thinking patterns.

6 Simple Steps to Achieve Cleanliness

Here are six easy steps to keep your living space clean and organized:

  1. Declutter Regularly: Set a monthly reminder to declutter and donate unused items. If you’re already in the habit, use this time to rearrange or redecorate your space.

  2. Embrace Minimalism: Opt for a minimalist lifestyle by being mindful of your purchases. Keep your home simple and clutter-free.

  3. Maintain a Clean Kitchen: Keeping the kitchen counter clean invites the grace of Annapoorna Mata, the Goddess of Food. Make it a habit to empty the sink before you go to sleep. You'll notice a difference in just two weeks.

  4. Practice Mental Decluttering: Reduce mental clutter by meditating and practicing silence (mouni vrat) once a month. Cultivate purity in speech by avoiding gossip and harsh words.

  5. Clear Emotional Clutter: Let go of relationships that no longer serve your emotional growth. Communicate openly about what’s bothering you while remaining sensitive and empathetic.

  6. Use Aromatherapy: Diffuse lavender oil or burn Dashanga or Sambrani after decluttering. These scents have been used for thousands of years to cleanse spaces and bring a sense of calm and freshness.