Navagraha Homa

Navagraha Homa is a traditional Vedic ritual that uses the fire element combined with sound ceremonies to connect human consciousness with cosmic consciousness. This homa is dedicated to appeasing the nine planets of the solar system. The term "Navagraha" translates to "nine planets" (Nava - nine, Graha - astronomical bodies/planets). The energy from this homa can neutralize the negative effects of poorly positioned planets in one's natal chart and strengthen benevolent planets, ensuring overall well-being.


Navagraha Homa seeks to appease the nine planets to bestow blessings and success. Vedic astrology relies on the positions of these planets, and performing Navagraha Homa is an effective way to enhance their influence on the Natal Chart. Beej, Moola, and Gayathri mantras for each planet are recited, along with Navagraha Suktam, Navagraha Ashtothara, and Stotra. Here’s an overview of the homa process:

  • Anujnaa (Permission)
  • Aachamanam (Cleansing through the water element)
  • Vigneshwara Puja (Invoking Lord Ganapathy)
  • Kalasa Avahana & Sthapana
  • Sankalpa (Intent of the homa)
  • Navagraha Puja and Homa (Pradhan Homa)
  • Uttaraangam (Offering Gratitude)
  • Poornaahuti
  • Udvaasana (Benediction)


Our experiences, inner self, and external life situations are influenced by the planetary positions of the nine Grahas. Karmic patterns, such as physical attributes, prosperity, spiritual seeking, and soul realization, are determined by these planetary positions in the Natal chart. Good karma from past lives creates beneficial Yogas, while bad karma from past lives or ancestral lineage results in Doshas. These phenomena are understood by studying planetary positions, leading to poojas and homa rituals to moderate their impact. Navagraha Homa is a remedy for complexities in the Natal chart, negating the negative effects of poorly placed planets and enhancing the benefits of well-placed planets.

Worship of celestial bodies has been practiced since the inception of civilization. As mankind evolved, a deep spiritual quest to understand the divine through astronomy led to the creation of the Vedas and other holy scriptures. Navagraha worship is mentioned in various scriptures and cultures, reflecting humanity's quest for spiritual understanding. According to Vedic sciences, worshiping the Navagraha helps attain the four objectives of life (Purushartha): Dharma (righteousness), Artha (material and spiritual abundance), Kaama (fulfillment of worldly desires), and Moksha (salvation).

  • Sun: Represents the soul (Jeevatma), personality, and physical constitution. Relates to father and paternalistic emotions.
  • Moon: Represents the mind and subconscious, governing emotional intelligence and maternal relations.
  • Mars: Represents courage, temperament, and valor. Relates to siblings.
  • Mercury: Represents fortune, capabilities, and skills. Relates to talents and communication abilities.
  • Jupiter: Represents knowledge, wisdom, education, and past life good karma. Relates to mentors and gurus.
  • Venus: Represents life partners, material pleasures, love life, and artistic nature. Relates to spouse and business partners.
  • Saturn: Represents career, integrity, responsibilities, and past life bad karma. Relates to professional life and the external world.
  • Rahu: Represents desires, material pleasures, intuitive behavior, and unconventional morals. Relates to materialistic pursuits and fortune.
  • Ketu: Represents occult sciences, inner psyche, and spiritual liberation. Relates to the higher self.


Navagraha Homa offers numerous benefits as every moment in life is influenced by these planets:

  • Enhanced Life Quality: Appeasing the planets allows for a more meaningful and pleasant life.
  • Positive Attributes: Increases the positive aspects of planetary attributes.
  • Skill Mastery: Helps acquire and master artistic and divine skills, and leadership qualities.
  • Material Wealth: Bestows material wealth and prosperity.
  • Dosha Rectification: Corrects doshas and curses in the Natal chart.
  • Marital Harmony: Promotes peace of mind and harmony in marital life.
  • Financial Relief: Helps alleviate debts and financial struggles.
  • Broadened Perspective: Encourages a “Thinking Big” attitude beyond worldly illusions (Maya).

Ideal Time to Perform

The ideal date for performing Navagraha Homa should be determined based on the primary participant’s Natal chart, Tithi, and Yoga of the day. Sundays and Pournami Tithis are particularly auspicious for this homa.

Who Can Perform?

This homa is recommended for individuals with four or more unfavorable planetary positions in their Natal chart, Rahu-Ketu afflictions, or doshas such as Kaala Sarpa Dosha and Mangalik Dosha. It is also beneficial for those facing obstacles, delays, or losses in business and family life.

Mantras Guide for Navagraha Homa Blessings

To enhance the benefits of the homa, one can meditate or chant the following seed mantra. This practice makes one highly receptive to the divine blessings of the homa:

Seed Mantra:

“Aum Brahmaa Muraari Streepuraantakaari,Bhaanuh Shashi Bhoomisutau Buddhashca,Gurooshca Shukrah Shani Rahu KetavahSarve Graha Shaantikara Bhavantu”